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Boing!. Copyright details. Boing!.

The talker name.
Cloanto have been contacted on the matter of the talker name since they produce the "Amiga Forever" emulation package. Since this talker is not a software product and the name relates to the theme only (an abstract concept), Cloanto have no views to express. Therefore Cloanto are aware of this talker but neither object to, nor endorse it's existence.

The Talker Code.
The talker code base, Dragon code, is copyright Wayne Ownes. The changes made to the code base in order to produce Amiga Forever belong to the Amiga Forever talker owners, this includes the current code.

All HTML code, in the directory this web page occupies, belongs to the Amiga Forever talker owners. All pages are produced by hand on an Amiga A4000 apart from the individual "spod" pages which are automatically generated by the talker.

The images.
The bulk of the images also belong to the Amiga Forever talker owners, all of these images are produced by hand on the same A4000. Some images are link images taken from other sites, the Amiga Forever talker owners would like to thank the creators of these images. Special thanks to Dave for the excellent "Boing" render on the main page.

Site pages.

Home, the main page.
Connect to the talker.
About, what is a talker?
Resident pages.
Help, click here if you are stuck.
Amiga links.


The spirit of Amiga.

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Copyright the talker Amiga Forever administration, 1999.
This page lists other copyright details.